Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sex Sells?

Ok, this is getting out of hand. You would think that at least in athletics women would be judged based on their athletic prowess and dedication instead of their appearance. Well, apparently that is only partially the case. I keep seeing magazine spreads and TV shows flaunting female athletes as sex objects. It scares me to think that my 5 year old daughter is being bamboozled with all of this smutty and sexist crap even on syndicated networks that are supposed to promote egalitarianism! The latest celluloid trash I saw was on Access Hollywood. Instead of focusing on the accomplishments of the female athletes they dedicated an entire segment to the "Babes of the Olympics."

In it, female athletes are shown in bikinis and in provocative poses. Its the winter Olympics, for crying out loud, not Maui! One example was Julia Mancuso. Mancuso won gold in the Giant Slalom in Turin. Instead of focusing on her incredible athleticism and the fact that she made her World Cup debut at the tender age of 15, it showcases her "goods" for the whole world to see. I'm also somewhat disappointed in the athletes who actually chose to participate in the photo shoots. At the same time, considering the vast majority of them are amateur athletes, meaning they get very little funding for their training endeavors...it almost seems like they have no choice but to denigrate themselves to continue persuing their bona fide passion. Corporate sponsors take note. Women are not sex objects. Stop thinking with your other head and get the blood flowing upstairs, perverts!

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